SAF industry reports

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Climate change and flying: what share of global CO2 emissions come from aviation?

Reviewing the cons of flying as a result of carbon emission and exploring the link between our personal and collective carbon emissions.
The article highlights how much of a role aviation plays in global emissions and climate change

Academic - Hannah Ritchie (2020)

carbon emissions

Green jet fuel is here – so why are airlines not using it?

The journey to net zero and why more airlines should embrace SAF in a bid to reduce carbon emissions.
In its bid to become more sustainable, aviation is also looking at next-generation technologies like hydrogen and electric-powered flight, but these require transformational changes that are still many years away

Government - CNN (2022)

Targeted Use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel to Maximise Climate Benefits

The climate benefits of sustainable action fuel and how it can be utilised to be of benefit to the environment

Academic - American Chemical Society (2022)

Perspectives on Fully Synthesized Sustainable Aviation Fuels: Direction and Opportunities

The approach and sustainability of jet fuel here are existing approaches to evaluate the environmental performance of SAF, including regulatory scheme compliance. The aviation sector must continue to decide how to evaluate the sustainability of SAF, which sustainability factors to address, and whether the existing approaches for regulatory compliance and voluntary certification are sufficient to qualify fuels as sustainable

Academic - Department of mechanical and aerospace engineering, University of Dayton (2022)

compliance, certification

Recent Trends, Opportunities and Challenges of Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Addressing the source of biojet fuels for the aviation industry and its benefits in reduction of carbon emissions. Exploring the opportunties available for the development of sustainable aviation fuels and the impact of new technology and aviation operation imprvement.

Academic - Libing Zhang, Terri L. Butler and Bin Yang (2020)